Former Postdoctoral Associate/Collaborator

James Kennedy PhD graduated from Case Western Research University in 2008 with undergraduate degrees in Psychology, Cognitive Science, and World Literature. He completed his Ph.D. in experimental psychology in the Department of Psychological Science at Case Western Reserve University in 2013. At Case Western, he worked with Anastasia Dimitropoulos on studies of the Prader-Willi syndrome and other neurological conditions, using functional neuroimaging and VBM techniques. Prader-Willi is associated with symptoms such as hyperphagia and compulsive behavior. Through that work, James became interested in the neurobiological correlates of obesity and of reward processing. Using data from the Luciana Laboratory’s longitudinal study, he examined correlates of body mass index using VBM, Freesurfer-based cortical thickness analyses, and diffusion tensor imaging.  

Last updated: August 24, 2021